This is my personal site, with information about me, my projects and anything else I think might be useful to addd to the web.
I write this blog post from my kitchen table on a Friday morning, while the weather outside is attempting to break through into sunshine. I wish that this was the start of a post about some relaxing time off, but alas, I am working from home due a cold/flu/man-flu of some variety – and I have been here all week, mostly for comfort – but also at the mercy of my co-workers good health.
The only minor exception to this was Tuesday, when I ventured into the office – wrapped up like an invalid to harvest my new laptop from the corporate grape vine – otherwise I have been sat very firmly still in a large soft chair attempting to make sense of customer cases through the usual illness addled haze that comes with these types of thing. It would appear that messaging developer is starting to pick up again with some cases finally showing themselves in the queue, unfortunately many of them so far outside my knowledge area that on the job learning has also been the order of the week, aside from tissues and tablets anyway.
This week I have also started writing for the Intern and Graduate Blog @, so expect to see a whole host of my usual drivel replicated over there.
Now, where did I leave my tissues…