This is my personal site, with information about me, my projects and anything else I think might be useful to addd to the web.
OK, first things first. I will admit I am writing this blog 2 weeks late – not sure how or why I ended up overlooking it for two Fridays in a row but that’s another concern.
The week has been rather slow to say the least. It seems that everyone in tech, well, everyone anywhere is off sunning themselves or doing DIY. As a direct result of this, there is absolutely zero support traffic to our team – and when I say none, I truely mean none at all. When I started this job, it seemed that at least a few new cases would appear every day, apparently being a high speciality low volume team this is about right, and at just about the time I got used to it, all the traffic seemed to die off. I am reliably assured it will return however.
This sudden dive has been thankfully cut up by one support case however, although it seems odd now thanking it given my recent experiences… This support case has centred around providing Microsoft Outlook with presence information from a home-brew third party app, something I had no idea was possible – which made it especially shocking when an almost identical case appeared the next day. To give you an idea of why its so daunting, the entire Microsoft resource on the subject boils down to half a document and a forum thread that ends with “For further information, contact Microsoft Support”, yeah – that’s me. So that’s keeping me busy at the moment, expect to see a blog on the matter as soon as I have figured it out.