This is my personal site, with information about me, my projects and anything else I think might be useful to addd to the web.
So this week I feel I have actually started doing something worthwhile – I have started solving customer cases!
For the next year this will be the backbone of what I do, but by no means the entirety however ! It has come as a shock to me that I can actually solve some of these issues, I thought it would take months to get acquainted with the technologies I am supporting – but in contrast being surrounded by them all day every day has enabled a surprising amount of knowledge “osmosis” to take place. The most surprising thing of all is how much I am enjoying all this learning, a lot of the time Uni seems like a chore, battling away to cram your mind with all sorts of seemingly superfluous information – whereas here I crave every byte of self improvement opportunity.
I suppose that leads on nicely to my latest venture, something I really didn’t think I would find myself taking on. As part of my Internship at Microsoft we are offered the opportunity to join “101 Teams” – these are intern teams that have various functions from pushing environmental responsibility to independent code projects. I found myself volunteering for the most contested place of all, our intern team that visits uni campus’ to show off tech and get students interested in coming here for their internship / placement / grad etc. After a few weeks of waiting I was invited to an interview which took place yesterday – in a dragons den style environment – 2 Minutes to talk about why I should get the position, suffice to say I thought it would be cool to ”Wing it” so in I went, and babbled for 1 minute 50. To be totally honest I didn’t think I was in with a hope, I think of myself as the recluse, lacking in even the most basic social talents – so it came as quite a surprise when I received an email to say I was part of the team ! More about that when it starts happening …
So yeah, now its Friday – I have some real work to do, so that’s enough time spent here…